距离'感官物语'展览和拍卖活动还有 4 天。今天为大家带来介绍的是来自瑞典的氛围艺术家 Amparo , 一位专注于 Ambient Art 并将其和动画融合的超现实主义设计师, Amparo擅长通过动画和音效去营造艺术的氛围感。他的设计作品通常为系列设计, Amparo 希望从设计中为观赏者带来舒适感和幸福感。

4 days left. Amparo is a surrealist designer who focuses on Ambient Art and integrates it with animation. Amparo specializes in creating an artistic atmosphere through animation and sound effects. His design forms are usually series artworks, and Amparo hopes through his artwork to bring comfort and happiness to the viewer.

