距離'感官物語'展覽和拍賣活動還有4 天。今天為大家帶來介紹的是來自瑞典的氛圍藝術家Amparo , 一位專注於Ambient Art 並將其和動畫融合的超現實主義設計師, Amparo擅長通過動畫和音效去營造藝術的氛圍感。他的設計作品通常為系列設計, Amparo 希望從設計中為觀賞者帶來舒適感和幸福感。

4 days left. Amparo is a surrealist designer who focuses on Ambient Art and integrates it with animation. Amparo specializes in creating an artistic atmosphere through animation and sound effects. His design forms are usually series artworks, and Amparo hopes through his artwork to bring comfort and happiness to the viewer.

