
艾澤AzerBlock由眾多區塊鏈KOL及活躍、專業的投資者構成,專注於區塊鏈優質早期項目的價值發現。本期AMA邀請到NFTb首席運營官Tommy分享NFTb從“ BSC第一個優質NFT市場”到“面向創作者的完整DeFi平台”的歷程,以及對NFT市場的觀察和思考。為感謝大家一直以來對艾澤的支持,本期AMA帶來了9000NFTB互動福利。



Allsen 各位嘉賓、朋友們,艾澤與NFTBAMA將於9521:30正式開始,直播地點在艾澤DiscordAMA現場”頻道,請大家及時上線。活動正式開始後,請大家保持會場安靜,有互動問題請在後面的互動環節一併提出。為感謝大家一直以來的關注和支持, AMA現場NFTB團隊為大家帶來了9000NFTB (在互動提問環節後,由抽獎小程序隨機抽取50名幸運兒,每名180NFTB ),再次感謝大家的光臨。


Allsen 我先為大家介紹一下本次活動主持人EvaEva畢業於澳大利亞昆士蘭大學公共關係碩士專業,擁有較高的商務英語水平,以及較強的溝通表達能力,曾任職於偉達公關。值得一提的是,這次空投來之不易,為了本次艾澤的NFTB福利, Eva本人付出了非常大的耐心和努力,才為大家成功爭取到。感謝Eva ,讓我們一起歡迎主持人Eva




Eva 各位嘉賓、朋友們,本次活動正式開始,我是今天AMA主持人Eva 。現在由我為大家隆重介紹一下NFTb項目的首席運營官,讓我們熱烈歡迎Tommy的到來。

Hello, guests and friends, this event has officially started. I am Eva, the host of today ' s AMA.Now I will give you a grand introduction to the COO of the NFTb project. Let us warmly welcome the arrival of Tommy.

Tommy Hi everyone! thank you for having me. I hope everyone is well and keeping safe.


Eva 參與今天AMA活動的有: Azer電報社區成員3800名、艾澤discord社區成員2450名,艾澤微信社區成員2328名,以及艾澤微博社區成員2230名。 DiscordAMA直播內容將由工作人員實時同步至電報社群。

Participating in today's AMA activities are: 3,800 members of the Azer Telegram community, 2450 members of the Azer discord community, 2328 members of the Azer Wechat community, and 2230 members of the Azer Weibo community.Discord's AMA live broadcast content will be synchronized by the staff to the Telegram community in real time.


Eva 你好, Tommy !我們社區一些成員對NFTb項目不是很熟悉。我這裡有幾個問題想要諮詢你,好讓大家了解NFTb更多一些。

Q1 :什麼是NFTb?

Hello , Tommy! Some of our community members are not very familiar with NFTb. I have a few questions here that I want to consult with you, so that everyone can learn more about NFTb.

Q1 What is NFTb?

Tommy Sure of course!

NFTb originally launched as a Premium NFT Marketplace on BSC. However, after speaking with artists for 100s of hours we discovered that solving the issues of transacting with NFTs isn ' t just about making a NFT platform that is easy to use but about creating a platform that enables creators and users to access opportunities in DeFi and engage their audience.

Over the past few months the NFTb team has been working hard to reposition NFTb from being the first premium NFT marketplace on BSCto shift its focus on beingthe complete DeFi platform for creators.

Large exchanges like FTX and AMMs like BakerySwap have done well to serve traders and liquidity providers, but their NFT marketplaces have been added ad-hoc. NFTb, on the other hand, is on a mission to help creators first get started and take advantage of opportunities in the world of DeFi.

In other words, we want to help creators of the world get comfortable and love using DeFi dApps, instead of inspiring a subset of DeFi enthusiasts to love NFTs.

NFTb is much more than just a premium NFT marketplace. Our products include:

NFTb Market A premium NFT marketplace where creators can access buyers from anywhere around the world and on multi-chains.

NFTb Earn A DeFi platform giving users access to yield farming opportunities plus an AMM to become a liquidity provider in a variety of DeFi farms.

NFTb Launch A first of its kind NFT Launchpad created to help projects and creators launch their NFTs on Binance Smart Chain in a way that is fair for all.

And before I forget we are backed by Binance

翻譯: NFTb最初是作為BSC上的高級NFT市場推出的。然而,在與藝術家交談了100多個小時之後——我們發現,解決與NFT交易的問題不僅僅是創建一個易於使用的NFT平台,而是創建一個讓創作者和用戶能夠在DeFi中獲得機會的平台並吸引他們的觀眾。

在過去的幾個月中, NFTb團隊一直在努力將NFTb從“ BSC上的第一個優質NFT市場”重新定位為“面向創作者的完整DeFi平台”。

FTX這樣的大型交易所和像BakerySwap這樣的AMM在為交易者和流動性提供者提供服務方面做得很好,但他們的NFT市場已被臨時添加。另一方面, NFTb的使命是幫助創作者首先開始並利用DeFi世界中的機會。

換句話說,我們希望幫助全球的創造者適應並熱愛使用DeFi dApp ,而不是激發一部分DeFi愛好者熱愛NFT


NFTb Market — 一個優質的NFT市場,創作者可以在其中接觸來自世界各地和多鏈上的買家。

NFTb Earn — 一個DeFi平台,讓用戶能夠獲得高產農業機會和AMM ,從而成為各種DeFi農場的流動性提供者。

NFTb Launch — 首創的NFT啟動板,旨在幫助項目和創作者以對所有人公平的方式在幣安智能鏈上啟動他們的NFT


Eva 謝謝TommyNFTb項目的介紹,相信大家對這麼優秀的項目有了一個簡單的了解。對於這麼一個優秀的項目,我們相信NFTb創建的背後肯定是有它的故事的。

Q2 :是什麼讓你們決定建立NFTb這個項目呢?

Tommy , Thank you for introducing NFTb project. I believe everyone has a simple understanding of such an excellent project. For such an excellent project, we believe that there must be a story behind the creation of NFTb.

Q2 What made you decide to build NFTb?

Tommy The idea for NFTb was born from the frustration of having to pay massive fees to buy, sell and create NFTs. However, in our journey to creating an NFT Marketplace that is accessible to all we discovered there are many more problems that need to be solved.

Some of these problems include:

The lack of support for languages other than English on many NFT Marketplaces. NFTs have been an unprecedented source of income for many artists from developing countries. These artists are underserved with the current NFT marketplaces. We just launched multi-language support on NFTb to provide greater access for these artists.

Access to buyers from other chains. Creators shouldn ' t be restricted when it comes to who they do business with. The NFTb team is adding cross-chain support to enable artists to reach buyers on whatever platform they are on. This allows NFT creators to experience the best of both worlds; lower fees, less risk, faster transactions, and access to ETH-based NFT marketplaces.

We just announced our plans to build on Cardano and will unveil plans to build on more chains very soon :slight_smile:

However, since launching our NFT marketplace we found that there is also opportunity to apply these frustrations to improve other DeFi products such as Staking/Farming and Launchpads as well!

翻譯: NFTb的想法源於不得不支付大量費用來購買、出售和創建NFT的挫敗感。然而,在我們創建一個所有人都可以訪問的NFT市場的過程中,我們發現還有更多的問題需要解決。


許多NFT市場缺乏對英語以外的語言的支持。 NFT已經成為許多發展中國家藝術家前所未有的收入來源。這些藝術家在當前的NFT市場上服務不足。我們剛剛在NFTb上推出了多語言支持,以便為這些藝術家提供更多的訪問權限。

接觸來自其他連鎖店的買家。創作者在與誰做生意時不應該受到限制。 NFTb團隊正在添加跨鏈支持,使藝術家能夠在他們所在的任何平台上接觸買家。這讓NFT創建者能夠體驗兩全其美:更低的費用、更低的風險、更快的交易以及訪問基於ETHNFT市場。



Eva 謝謝Tommy的回答。每一個項目都有自己的故事和心路歷程,我相信NFTb肯定有很多屬於它自己的里程碑。

Q3 :你們的NFT市場取得了哪些里程碑?

Tommy, thank you for the answer.

Each project has its own story and journey. I believe that NFTb must have many milestones of its own.

Q3 What milestones have you reached for your NFT marketplace?

Tommy Since launching just over 3 months ago as the first NFT marketplace on BSC mainnet, NFTb has onboarded over 400+ verified artists (there are still over 2000 artists still on our waitlist) that have minted over 500+ exclusive NFTs.

NFTb has also provided much-needed innovation to a sector that has seen new NFT marketplaces launching every week:

- We have pioneered charity income split feature, which allows users to donate a portion of sales to a selected charity;

- Provided substantial cost savings for creators and collectors who have been using the ETH network to transact and create NFTs;

- Multi-language support: As mentioned before, we are serving underserved markets;

But there are still many more milestones that we aim to hit in the near future Here are some product features that will be a catalyst for growth at NFTb:

- Multi-chain support: We believe that creators shouldn ' t be restricted when it comes to who they do business with. We are adding cross-chain support to enable artists to reach buyers on whatever platform they are on. This allows NFT creators to experience the best of both worlds; lower fees, less risk, faster transactions on BSC, and access to ETH-based NFT marketplaces where there are currently more buyers.

- Binance NFT Integration: We are working with Binance NFT very closely to grow the NFTs on BSC. Users will be able to directly list on Binance via our API.

翻譯:自2個月前作為BSC mainet上的第一個NFT市場推出以來, NFTb已經招募了400多名經過驗證的藝術家(仍有2000多名藝術家在我們的候補名單上),他們已經鑄造了500多個獨家NFT







幣安NFT集成:我們正在與幣安NFT密切合作,以在BSC上發展NFT 。用戶將能夠通過我們的API直接在幣安上市。

Eva 謝謝Tommy的耐心解答。我相信大家對NFTb項目也有了更深入的了解。我們知道NFTb是一個非常優質的項目,想要跟你們合作的伙伴肯定很多。

Q4 :請告訴我們關於你們的合作夥伴。

Tommy, thanks for your patient answers. I believe that everyone has a deeper understanding of NFTb project.

We know that NFTb is a very high-quality project, and there are definitely many partners that want to cooperate with you.

Q4 Tell us about your partners.

Tommy NFTb has been successful with working with partners in delivering value for our usres. Some good examples are:

Our partnership with CoinMarketCap to launch an exclusive series of limited-edition digital art NFTs created by the platform ' s top artists. Every month, NFTb will offer a limited-edition NFT created by a top creator for users to collect.

Our partnership with BSC community to host a NFT giveaway for the BSC Anniversary Event with BakerySwap

Our partnership with Watsi (a Tencent-backed charity) to empower creators to be able to donate to their charity.

翻譯: NFTb已經成功與合作夥伴合作,為我們的用戶創造價值。這裡有一些很好的案例是:

我們與CoinMarketCap合作推出由平台頂級藝術家創作的獨家限量版數字藝術NFT系列。每個月NFTb都會提供一個由頂級創作者打造的限量版NFT供用戶收藏。我們與BS我們與Watsi (騰訊支持的慈善機構)合作,讓創作者能夠向他們的慈善機構捐款。 C社區合作,通過BakerySwapBSC週年活動舉辦NFT贈品活動。

Eva 我們有很多社區成員從網上看到了NFTb Earn方面的信息,但是還不是很了解具體的細節。請Tommy給我們介紹一下吧。

Q5 :什麼是NFTb收益?它受歡迎嗎?

Many of our community members have seen NFTb Earn information from the Internet, but they still don ' t know the specific details. Please Tommy tells us about it.What are the benefits that SCA token holders get to enjoy ?

Q5 What is NFTb Earn? Is it popular?

Tommy NFTb Earns works like BakerySwap, the leading NFT/Yield farming project on BSC.

NFTb Earn is a multi-functional decentralized application (dApp) created on Binance Smart Chain (BSC). The platform features yield farming opportunities, non-fungible tokens (NFTs) plus an AMM to become a liquidity provider in a variety of DeFi farms.

In Phase 1 of NFTb Earn, we introduced Single asset pools that allow stakers to earn a fixed amount of tokens over a specific vesting period.

In Phase 2, we are introducing Linear Vested Vaults, which offerS our users even greater flexibility and control over their assets.

翻譯: NFTb Earns的工作方式類似於BSC上領先的NFT/Yield farming項目BakerySwap

NFTb Earn是一個在幣安智能鏈(BSC)上創建的多功能去中心化應用程序(dApp) 。該平台主要是提供高產farming機會、不可替代的代幣(NFT)AMM (自動化做市商),可成為各種DeFi farms的流動性提供者。

NFTb Earn的第一階段,我們引入了單一資產池子,允許權益人在特定的歸屬期內賺取固定數量的代幣。


在第2階段,我們將引入Linear Vested Vaults ,這將為我們的用戶提供更大的靈活性和對其資產的控制。

Eva 謝謝Tommy的回答。

Q6 :請告訴我們您最近發布的啟動板。

Everyone, there will be a question session later, please be prepared for your questions.

You can ask questions in the second session.

Thank you Tommy for the answer.

Q6 Tell us about your recently announced Launchpad.

Tommy The recent success of CryptoPunks as well as NFTb ' s Degen Monkey Collection by Nael G and Bored Clowns Collection by Rzijj has inspired many artists to create more high-quality resource-intensive NFT projects.

NFTb Launch is the first of its kind NFT Launchpad created to help projects and creators launch their NFTs on Binance Smart Chain.

With NFTb Launch, creators and projects can build early support from communities through an Initial NFT Offering (INO). For creators and projects, this represents a unique opportunity to accelerate lower the risk of entry for creating resource intensive NFT projects.

Yesterday we shared news about our 4 Play2Earn gaming launch parnters that will use our launchpad

Some of these launches will use the lottery system, which means nftb holders have the opportuntiy to win rare nfts passively just by holding the token.

翻譯:最近的CryptoPunks以及NFTbNael GDegen Monkey CollectionRzijjBored Clowns Collection的成功激發了許多藝術家創造更多高質量資源密集型NFT項目的靈感。

NFTb Launch是同類NFT Launchpad中的第一個,旨在幫助項目和創作者在幣安智能鏈上啟動他們的NFT

通過NFTb Launch ,創作者和項目可以通過初始的NFT產品(INO)獲得社區的早期支持。對於創作者和項目來說,這代表了一個獨特的機會,可以加速降低創建資源密集型NFT項目的進入風險。昨天我們分享了關於將使用我們的Launchpad4Play2Earn遊戲啟動合作夥伴的消息。其中一些發行將使用彩票系統,這意味著nftb持有者有機會僅通過持有代幣就可以被動地贏得稀有nft

Eva 最後一個問題。回答完這個問題,讓我們進入自由提問環節,請各位Azer社區的朋友們不要著急。


The last question

After answering this question, let us enter the free questioning session, please don't worry, everyone in the Azer community.

Q7: What are your plans for the future?

Tommy Our focus in the short to medium term is to continue to deliver on our roadmap for the NFT Marketplace, add more DeFi instruments on NFTb Earn and launch projects and NFTs for our Creators/Projects for NFTb Launch.

You can expect more announcements about NFTb building on more Layer-1 blockchains as well as more involvement in the Gaming space.

翻譯:我們在中短期內的重點是繼續實現我們的NFT市場路線圖,在NFTb上添加更多DeFi工具,並為NFTb Launch的創作者啟動項目和NFT 。你可以期待更多關於NFTb建立在更多第1層區塊鏈上的公告,以及更多地參與遊戲領域。



Eva 感謝Tommy的耐心解答。好了,現在讓我們開始提問環節。大家有什麼問題都可以問。

Thank you Tommy for your patient answers.

Okay, now let's start the questioning session. Everyone can talk about any questions.


Tommy There are no plans to launch another token for the purpose of mult-chain.

The purpose of going multichain is:

1. Create an easier way for creators/artists to reach buyers. We are choosing chains that have large user bases.

2. Be the gateway for our gaming projects to quickly launch/trade crosschain.

Thank you for the questions everyone! I will try my best to answer them the best as I can. Apologies if I mis-translate your questions.






Tommy Safety is important to us. Our smart contracts have been audited by Hacken. We will soon share more details about a report with CertiK


艾澤粉絲3 Nfbt微博推廣太少了,特別是空投,有沒有針對性的推廣計劃?

Tommy Yes - we want to promote more on Weibo and other platforms to engage the Chinese community. We currently have a Red Pocket giveaway campaign that is run by a community ambassador. You can learn more from here nftbcommunitychina

翻譯:是的,我們希望在微博和其他平台上進行更多宣傳,以吸引華人社區。我們目前有一個由社區大使運營的Red Pocket贈品活動。你可以從這裡了解更多

艾澤粉絲4 Nfbt持有者有機會僅通過持有代幣就可以被動地贏得稀有nft , 是否對持幣數量要要求。

Tommy Yes there is.Each project will decide how many rare nfts are available in each Tier


Eva 由於時間限制,只剩下最後一個問題的解答了。

Due to time constraints, only the last question is left.

艾澤粉絲5關於NFTb Earn :總所周知, NFT的流動性極差,估值的差距更大。而在DEFI中無論是抵押借貸還是流動性挖礦都需要對資產進行價值評估,請問在DEFI中如何對NFT進行合理估值?如果估值不當,將對DEFI系統造成極大的災難。

Tommy This is a very good question! We are seeing the value of NFTs hit all time highs every day for the last few weeks.

We expect people to want to exit or sell their acquired NFTs at some point. As NFTb focusses on high value premium art this is a very important consideration for us.

To solve this we are:

1. Partnering with other NFT platforms so high value nfts can easily be transacted cross platform.

2. Working on developing technology to enable fractional NFT ownership.


我們希望人們在某個時候想要出售他們獲得的NFT 。由於NFTb專注於高價值的優質藝術品,這對我們來說是一個非常重要的考慮因素。





Eva 好了,提問環節結束。再次感謝Tommy的耐心解答。

Well, the question session is over.Thank you Tommy for your patient answers again.

Tommy Thanks @Azer Eva for being so patient with this long AMA! If you have more questions, we have a Chinese community here -




Allsen 感謝NFTb團隊Tommy非常專業而精彩的回答!也非常感謝艾澤夥伴們積極提問互動。讓我們看到了進擊者NFTB如何為創作者建設更完整的DEFI平台,這平台能成功激發許多藝術家創造更多高質量資源密集型NFT項目的靈感。最後我們還有NFTB代幣的空投環節,大家別走開。
