距离“感官物语”展览与拍卖倒计时还有 10 天。

本次为大家介绍的是活跃于东京和纽约的 Gavin Shapiro - 颇有 Motion 风格的艺术家,以独树一帜的“火烈鸟”动态设计配合独立制作的音乐吸引了世界各地收藏家们的关注。本次展览与拍卖包含 Gavin Shapiro 惊艳作品,敬请期待。

There are only 10 DAYS left to the The Story of Senses”Exhibition & Auction!

This time will exhibit 10 outstanding designer‘s artwork included Gavin Shapiro. 

Gavin Shapiro is artist who are obsessed with motion design. His unique sign of "Flamingo" combined with independently produced music attract to the collectors‘ attention all over the world!

