感谢大家关注三元社区最新一期的AMA,今晚我们有幸请来Element.Black的执行总监Mark Rau先生


感谢:Odaily星球日报、金色财经、火星财经、PANews、Tokenview、三元资本TernaryCapital 对本次活动的大力支持。


我们要准备开始了,首先我们有请 Mark Rau先生来为我们详细解答下关于 Element.Black的问题哈~

1、先请嘉宾 Jessie 介绍一下自己和 Element.Black平台可以给大家简单介绍一下吗?




Element.Black is a developer platform centered on building an unprecedented interoperability starting from the basic metaverse visual effects.

In the metaverse, users can realize all their imaginations on both extensive and small scale, from designing spaces, game assets, virtual assets to manufacturing game items, NFTs, and visualelements. The overarching goal of Element.Black is to help users bring their imaginations to life.

In addition to basic visual effects, Element.Black allows users to create their own avatar in the metaverse realized through 3D modeling.




At the same time users can purchase skins for their avatars with our collaborative NFT skins with renowned clothing brand. All the NFTs skins are released as limited edition.

Stemming from the metaverse, Element.Black spans across chains and platforms by providing services to transfer digital goods across virtual boundaries. Users are able to take their avatars and virtual assets from one place on the metaverse to another.

Currently, Element.Black is divided into 5 sections: game development, NFT production and trading, decentralized platform building, public chain building, and talents/film/TV IP incubation.





Element.Black is currently building its first P2E (Play to Earn) game, Pixel-Infinity, and the second phase of the whitelist public beta test has been launched at 2pm today.

Pixel-Infinity is a Co-Creating game, inspired by the Reddit game 'Place'. Our team added blockchain technology and the concept of Token Economics to the original game logic.

游戏本身很简单,是一块400*400个像素格子的画布,任何玩家只要注册登录进去后都可以随意在画布上涂抹作画。内测期间,新用户登录后会被赠送100个格子,邀请好友加入也会额外赠送10个格子作为奖励。同时平台每8小时还会发放100万枚ELT测试币给所有玩家,玩家利用分得的测试币可以进行质押来获得额外的格子,如果邀请来的好友也质押了格子,那么被邀请的玩家同样能获得奖励。ELT测试币将在TG之后置换成ELT TOKEN也就是说,只要你来参与游戏,再邀请朋友来参与游戏,就能获得丰厚的游戏奖励!

The game itself is very simple. It is a 400*400 pixel canvas. Any player can paint on the canvas freely after logging in. During the beta period, new users will be given 100 pixels after logging in, and an additional 10 pixels will be given as a reward for inviting friends to join. ELT test coins will be exchanged for ELT TOKEN after TG.

As long as you participate and invite your friends to play the game, you can get a rich game reward!




As for the earnings, players only need to create artworks, and generate NFTs from their artworks. Once the NFT is successfully auctioned! Players can get rewards!

We also invited a large number of celebrities, artists, actors, singers to participate on the collaborative canvas. Users can join them to create on the canvas and share the proceeds.

After the official release of Pixel-Infinity, we will also launch the poster puzzle game. Players can use the purchased poster pieces to assemble a specific piece of poster in Pixel-Infinity. Players can not only receive token rewards, but also receive mystery prizes from the Oscars.


3、Element.Black与其他区块链技术平台相比,有什么不同之处?作为用户选择 Element.Black 的理由是什么呢?

Element Black 打造以跨平台为核心,为用户提供原宇宙的艺术品,头像,人物,建筑物等一系列生产素材,是全球为数不多跨平台,跨供应的创作平台之一。而且我们将打造成2d到3d等一系列生产素材,连系现实和虚拟世界。我们会打造Pixel Infinity 到element black 供链以及沙盒游戏,同时同各大IP合作,提供一系列的周边。Element Black is one of the few cross-platform and cross-supply creation platforms in the world, providing users with the metaverse composed of artworks, avatars, characters, buildings, and other production materials. And we will build a series of production materials from 2D to 3D, linking the real and virtual worlds. We will build Pixel Infinity on element black supply chain and sandbox games, and at the same time, we will cooperate with major IPs to provide a series of derivative products.

4、您能谈谈项目的代币吗?投资者持有代币有什么好处? 又有哪些使用领域?


在Element.Black上线公链之前,ELT将作为整个内部生态内唯一的流通代币和治理代币。ELT未来还会随着Pixel-Infinity游戏开展STAKING 在PIXEL上如果想要画更多的格子参与挖矿,需要质押ELT TOKEN,质押1000枚ELT TOKEN每八小时将获得一个可以累计的PIXEL.

在平台内制作NFT和参与拍卖都需要用到ELT TOKEN 。

Element.Black's token ELT is based on the ERC20 protocol and has a total issuance number of 4 billion.

Before Element.Black goes live on the public chain, ELT will serve as the only circulating token and governance token within the entire internal ecosystem.

ELT will also launch STAKING function within the Pixel-Infinity game in the future. If you want to use more pixels on Pixel-Infinity to participate in mining, you need to stake ELT TOKEN. Staking 1000 ELT TOKEN will get you one cumulative PIXEL every eight hours.

ELT TOKEN is required to create NFT and participate in auctions on the platform.

5、我们都知道,最近 NFT 和元宇宙的概念非常火热,Element.Black 会在 NFT 上有哪些动作呢?




In terms of NFT, Element.Black is actively linking up with artists and famous movie and TV IPs from all over the world. We are inviting them to create NFT in the game Pixel-Infinity, and will also put their artworks online in our own NFT gallery for display and sale.

They will also create their own avatars and images on our platform.

The NFTs created by regular players in the game will also be put online for auction, offering everyone the opportunity to become a creative leader in the blockchain world.

6、可以介绍下 Element.Black 的投资阵容以及合作伙伴吗?这些合作是怎样展开的呢?

我们目前的投资机构分别有香港头部投资公司JKL,好莱坞知名独立制片公司The H Collective,香港最大的OTC商家Coinunited,还有来自币安团队构成的Old Fashion capital和W3 Capital

Solana OEC 也是我们的合作伙伴,我公司未来也将接入BSC 和更多的公


Our current investors are JKL, a leading Hong Kong investment firm; The H Collective, a well-known Hollywood independent film production company; Coinuited, the largest OTC merchant in Hong Kong; as well as Old Fashion capital and W3 Capital, from the Binance team.

Solana OEC is also our partner, and our company will also be connected to BSC and more public companies in the future.

《银河护卫队》的导演JAMES GUNN是该项目的顾问,产品正式上线后,他将带来漫威,DC的IP 和演员参与NFT的创作


JAMES GUNN, the director of Guardians of the Galaxy, is a consultant for the project. After the product is officially launched, he will bring Marvel and DC IPs and actors to participate in the creation of NFT.

The current cooperation model is that each of the partners use their outstanding advantages in a specific field to provide rich IP and cooperation resources for the project.

We are actively connecting with outstanding artists and film IPs around the world. We have just signed an agreement with John Alvin and his wife Andrea Alvin. John Alvin is the artist who created the Star Wars poster. And we have reached collaboration with Mikail Akar, the talented 9-year-old German artist who is known as the 'next Picasso'. Not only will they be playing on our first P2E game 'Pixel-Infinity' with players all over the world, but they will also have their artwork listed in our NFT gallery.

We will not only promote the collaboration with artists and movie IPs online, but we will also actively working on exhibitions offline to promote our NFTs beyond the crypto community.

In this beta test, NFT created by users will be exhibited and sold at SHOUT Gallery in Hong Kong on December 4. We will also invite media and famous buyers to place auctionings on the NFT artworks.

In the future, we will strive to create a most diversified and innovative metaverse visual effects platform to provide the optimized experience for global users.


我们正在积极与全世界的优秀艺术家和电影IP合作与联动,刚刚与曾经创作过《星球大战》海报的艺术家John Alvin及其夫人Andrea Alvin签约,还与德国9岁天才小艺术家,被誉为“下一个毕加索”的Mikail Akar合作。他们不仅会在我们首个P2E游戏“Pixel-Infinity”中与全球玩家一起参与游戏,同时还会把他们的艺术作品上线在我们的NFT画廊中。


We are actively connecting with outstanding artists and film IPs around the world. We have just signed an agreement with John Alvin and his wife Andrea Alvin. John Alvin is the artist who created the Star Wars poster. And we have reached collaboration with Mikail Akar, the talented 9-year-old German artist who is known as the 'next Picasso'. Not only will they be playing on our first P2E game 'Pixel-Infinity' with players all over the world, but they will also have their artwork listed in our NFT gallery.



We will not only promote the collaboration with artists and movie IPs online, but we will also actively working on exhibitions offline to promote our NFTs beyond the crypto community.

In this beta test, NFT created by users will be exhibited and sold at SHOUT Gallery in Hong Kong on December 4. We will also invite media and famous buyers to place auctionings on the NFT artworks.

In the future, we will strive to create a most diversified and innovative metaverse visual effects platform to provide the optimized experience for global users.

接下来把时间交给大家,大家对 Element.black还有什么疑问呢?

1、Question:What do you think is the core strength of Element.Black in the NFT track?

We have lots of celebrities IP and resources, and the requirement for the entry is relatively low .

2、Question:Could you please share the future plan of this project's tokens? The big exchange means that more people can buy and sell tokens and better publicize the project?

Many centralized exchange have started to communicate with us. We will list on many CEX after we list on DEX first.

3、Question:How do you see the phenomenon of pirated NFT and will this happen at Element.Black?

Many users are not familiar with how to creating the NFT , and the famous artists. We wish to build up a closer relationship between them and the public.

4、Question:Will the game launch a mobile game port? After all, people use mobile phones more frequently than pC. He can create everywhere and at any time. Is there such a plan?

Not really.

5、Question:Do you plan to cooperate with chain game? Like providing technical support, NFTs in chain games are generated by pixel infinity

Yes,sure. We are communicating with many parties who have the Game-Fi projects onSOL.

6、Question: Did you consider the feedback and needs of the community when building the project?

Of course, we respect all the opinions from the community users. ELT tokens are belongs to our DAO tokens in the future.

7、Question:Now the vast majority of NFT still stay at the level of art collection, liquidity is relatively poor, this problem, what do you think?

Art ,mod and idenity will be the most important elements in mataverse.

We have cooperarted with Shout galllery from 16-18 Dec. It is a program which invited lots of students in Hong Kong to teach them how to use our product ,Pixel Infinity. We also teach them how to create NFT artwork.

8、Question:What is your strategy to attract new users and Investors to your platform and keep them?

Our mkt strategy is inviting lots of KOLs and celebrities to reach the goal. We believe their number of fans will be one of our users soon.

9、Question:How to creat NFT? Do we need to pay gas fee when transfer the NFT during different accounts?

You can earn ELT test tokens by drawing on the canvas. In return, you can get the tokens to cover the guest fee ,which is about 100 ELT per NFT.

10、Question:Where can we buy the mystery box?

On OKEX NFT marketplace.

感谢Jessie带我们了解到很多关于 Element.Black的项目信息,由于时间关系,今天的 AMA 到这里就结束了

最后感谢 Jessie来到三元社区,希望未来的Element.Black更加强大!